[KI-Turnier] 1vs1 Küste hosted by aiscripters.com

#1 von [<-sF->]Ryusaki , 21.03.2010 03:30

Link: http://forums.aiscripters.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2167

Settings for Tournament

Game: Random Map
Map Style: Standard
Location: Coastal
Size: Tiny
Difficulty: Hard
Other Players: 1
Resources: Standard
Population: 200
Reveal Map: Normal
Starting Age: Dark Age
Victory: Conquest (3 hour time limit - additional rule file)
Team Together: Yes
Lock Teams: No
All Techs: No
Civilization : Author's choice
Speed : Fast

Deadline To Submit Entries:
March 31th, 2010 (edited: old deadline: March 14th, 2010, first one: March 7th, 2010)

AI submission:
post in AIScripters AI upload section, read here

All Rules as stated in "General Tournament Rules" Topic 1st post will apply

Moreover the following rule will apply:
- If a "Snow" map is selected by the game-engine a match will be restarted as many times as necessary in order to avoid such a map.

Turneament system:
- Up to 8 entries: round robin turneament
- More then 8 entries: scripts will be splitted into different groups of 4-6 each playing round robin to determine the winner of the group; winners of the groups (2 with 3 or less groups, 1 with 4 or more groups) will play toghether into a chellenge group to determine the winner


Beiträge: 147
Registriert am: 30.01.2010

RE: [KI-Turnier] 1vs1 Küste hosted by aiscripters.com

#2 von [<-sF->]Blauer_Hund , 21.03.2010 11:05

Hmmm... Küste ist glaub nix für mich... Ausserdem hätte ich lieber mal ein schönes 2v2 KI Turnier...

Beiträge: 23
Registriert am: 15.02.2010

RE: [KI-Turnier] 1vs1 Küste hosted by aiscripters.com

#3 von [<-sF->]Ryusaki , 21.03.2010 22:58

Ich könnte einen in KI-Arena machen aber wir haben ehe so wenig begeisterte scripter...

Du kannst doch das zwite BHCC machen :p


Beiträge: 147
Registriert am: 30.01.2010


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