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  • Die Gesanten des Wodans OrdenDatum23.03.2010 01:11
    Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Ankündigungen

    Da es hier (fast) nur unaktive gab wird ein neues Forum eröffnet mit neuen Clanname. Diesmal müsst ihr eine Woche testwoche überstehen damit ihr mitglied werden könnt. Blauer Hund braucht diese testwoche nicht zu machen. Wer unter diese bedinug immer noch uns treu ist soll sich hier melden.

  • Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Recorded Gamesür_rYu.mgx


    Ich hasse bf und wie kann man nur ein turnier mit bf anfangen??

  • [KI-Turnier]THE RULER's AI CHAMPIONSHIPDatum22.03.2010 07:07
    Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Allgemeine Events,39083,,30

    Welcome to THE RULER`s first AI Championship supported by THE RUBBER EMPORIUM

    As I see with happiness the AI scripter league increases day by day and the scripts getting quite good now I like to invite all scripters around the world to take part in

    THE RULER'S CHAMPIONSHIP for advanced scripters

    The conditions are more complex now as they are:

    - played map is ES@Capricious_v2* size small
    - DA starting at medium resources
    - victory condition standart
    - difficulty hard
    - population 175

    rules are as following

    - no cc commands except for gaia
    - no ships are allowed
    - taunting may be amusing but not regarded
    - it is allowed to build a wonder

    The Ruler will not publish any scripts so it's up to the scripters' choice if they want to open their cards.
    The Ruler won`t test any scripts submitted before the match begins.
    All matches will be recorded and commented.
    minimun participitiants are 8 scripts
    termin will not be before may and stands up for discussion
    THE RULER will not take part, so he's absolutly neutral
    All results will be published on THE RUBBER EMPORIUM`s site (so thankfull for his support)

    * this RM map offers 9 different random generated start up conditions for g f s amount on map, so as it generates low gold high stone the KOREANS may be the lucky civ.

    Hoping for a grand feedback



  • Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Allgemeine Events,39672,0,30

    This is a new contest I've begun. The AoKH "Totally Terrain" Contest.

    It's a simple concept: A map designing contest in which you pour your heart and soul into doing the most beutifull map design you can - No Triggers Atall! (Exceptions are below)

    Heres the rules:
    There needs to be three judges: The judges can make a map if they wish, but it cant be reviewed by that judge.
    I will be the first judge. I need two others.

    Entree's must sign up in the thread, saying what there maps size will be, and any other information you care to share about it.

    Maps MUST be fully detailed - No forest-walled of blank areas - This isnt the AoK campaign here...

    Maps can be suitable for either an RPG styled map (Role Playing Game/Strategy) or a Random Map styled game. Its the entree's choice

    Trigger Exceptions:
    Name and Stat changes
    Task, Remove, Damage, Patrol
    Place Foundation, Research Technology

    Current Judges:

    Current Entree's:
    (etc. etc)

    The Deadline: The absaloute deadline to hand your work in and have it viewed by the judges will be:


    What you will be judged on:
    The Terrain: (10 Marks)
    How well have you used Terrain's? Marks can be awarded for skilled and good looking terrain mixing and placing. Marks can be awarded/lost for other things too, such as what terrain is where and if it fits in that location. Elevation counts towards this mark, as does water.

    The Eye-Candy: (20 Marks)
    What kind of Eye-Candy have you used? Does the eye-candy fit in that location? Does it seem logical for that pine tree to be in the dessert? Marks can be awarded for good placment, and if you have used triggers, Triggerwork also contributes to your total mark. Eye-Candy includes every gaia and "other" object placed on your terrain - including wildlife.

    The Theme: (5 Marks)
    Does the maps theme fit with what you have placed on the map? Marks can be lost for things such as Cacti on Snow, unless you specifically mention that the theme of your map is fantasy/sci-fi, or a once-in-a-century snowstorm blizzard over the sahara.

    Buildings, Forestry and Others: (10 Marks)
    If you include a village, does the village fit in with its surroundings? If you have a large forest, is it accessible? is it detailed? Units can be used in your map for eye-candy purposes, and marks can be awarded for good use of units and buildings. This, and Eye-Candy are very similar, but this is more specific. (Say for example, you get awarded marks in Eye-Candy for having a forest, this is the more detailed mark which gives mark for how you made the forest come alive.)

    The Reward for this has not yet been thought of. Ideas float by though, EEE V2 Beta? Crown and Septer? Knighthood? BF_Tanks' Beta Tester? I'm not sure as of yet.

    Oh finally; I'll not be making a map for this. I'm a 100% judge, I want to see what You can do

  • Ich könnte einen in KI-Arena machen aber wir haben ehe so wenig begeisterte scripter...

    Du kannst doch das zwite BHCC machen :p

  • Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Allgemeine Events


    Settings for Tournament

    Game: Random Map
    Map Style: Standard
    Location: Coastal
    Size: Tiny
    Difficulty: Hard
    Other Players: 1
    Resources: Standard
    Population: 200
    Reveal Map: Normal
    Starting Age: Dark Age
    Victory: Conquest (3 hour time limit - additional rule file)
    Team Together: Yes
    Lock Teams: No
    All Techs: No
    Civilization : Author's choice
    Speed : Fast

    Deadline To Submit Entries:
    March 31th, 2010 (edited: old deadline: March 14th, 2010, first one: March 7th, 2010)

    AI submission:
    post in AIScripters AI upload section, read here

    All Rules as stated in "General Tournament Rules" Topic 1st post will apply

    Moreover the following rule will apply:
    - If a "Snow" map is selected by the game-engine a match will be restarted as many times as necessary in order to avoid such a map.

    Turneament system:
    - Up to 8 entries: round robin turneament
    - More then 8 entries: scripts will be splitted into different groups of 4-6 each playing round robin to determine the winner of the group; winners of the groups (2 with 3 or less groups, 1 with 4 or more groups) will play toghether into a chellenge group to determine the winner

  • MitgliederlisteDatum20.03.2010 19:28
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema Mitgliederliste

    Wir brauchen mal son was wie test woche oder so und die leute sollen sich verdmmt noch mal hier anmelden

  • Teamspeak 3 serverDatum20.03.2010 02:53
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema Teamspeak 3 server

    Ich würde ja gerne nutzen aber es ist ehe keiner da... morgen :D

  • Teamspeak 3 serverDatum18.03.2010 23:41
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema Teamspeak 3 server


  • off topic??Datum16.03.2010 22:30
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema off topic??


  • Musik bzw Sounds in Multiplayer MapsDatum12.03.2010 22:16

    Also ich denke das ist richtig aber bin mir nicht sicher da ich nicht multiplayer map mache: Die Sounds von Multiplayermap bringts nur wenn man sie hat also ich denke nicht das die sound files über gamranger gescickt werden...

  • Jaja du weisst doch das ich tagsüber nicht aktiv bin... bin halt ein vampier erst nach mitternacht bin ich da

  • DomaneDatum12.03.2010 07:07
    Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Ankündigungen

    Dank owned haben wir eine eigene domäne. Checkt das jungs

  • CLAN CODEXDatum12.03.2010 06:25
    Thema von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Forum Ankündigungen

    CODEX bitte lesen

  • Musik bzw Sounds in Multiplayer MapsDatum11.03.2010 23:45

    Naja irgendwie habe ich so ein gefühl das ist das falsche forum :p

  • mach einfach dein pw 123

    das kannst du dir hoffentlich merken...

  • hihihi GUTE NEUIGKEITENDatum11.03.2010 23:41
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema hihihi GUTE NEUIGKEITEN

    Ja machen wir doch ein forum für bart auf XD

  • hihihi GUTE NEUIGKEITENDatum11.03.2010 00:48
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema hihihi GUTE NEUIGKEITEN

    Ich hab ihn legst schon gebannt
    er meldet sich immer wieder an... ich banne einfach sein e-mail adresse

  • MitgliederlisteDatum11.03.2010 00:47
    Foren-Beitrag von [<-sF->]Ryusaki im Thema Mitgliederliste

    Endlich! Aber die Flos sollen die Namen ändern wie kein plan Flo2 oder so....

  • omg feo schreib dir dein pw auf und hängs auf dein pc oder so

    oder melde dich noch ein einziges mal neu an

Inhalte des Mitglieds [<-sF->]Ryusaki
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